To create a custom task, go to your tasks page by clicking on tasks on the left menu.
Click on the + Add Task button on the top right of your tasks page.
On the create new task workflow, you must first select the task owner, or who the task will be assigned to. You can choose to create the task for yourself or for another staff. You can then select whether or not the task will relate to a client. If you'd like to create a report or an assessment task for the client, you can select a client under the "Which client does this task apply to?" drop down. You can then select which assessment or report the task will require. If you'd like to create a custom task not relating to a client, leave the drop down as none.
Next, you'll be able to enter the task name and the task instructions on the task details page. You'll also be able to optionally require a document to be uploaded to complete the task.
On the due date section, you can define the date the task will be due and whether or not the task is a repeating task (i.e weekly or monthly).
When done, click finish and the new custom task will be saved. You can track your custom task under my tasks for others on your tasks page.
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