As a staff, the tasks page consists of your assigned tasks and an agenda view of today's schedule.
Tasks are defined as either client or non-client related items that need to be completed by you. There are many different types of tasks that are defined here. You can click on the all tasks filter to filter by a specific task. You can also track tasks in which you've assigned to other staff from the "My tasks for others" filter. Your task page will display all the tasks in which you are assigned and will show the task type, the client in which the task is for, the due date, who the task was created by, and the task details.
Tasks are also separated into 3 different groups; past due, upcoming, and in progress. Past due tasks are those defined as having passed the due date. Upcoming tasks are those defined as having a future due date. In progress tasks are those defined as having been started and saved as in progress or awaiting review, but not yet finalized. Your tasks page can be filtered by selecting any of these 3 groups of tasks along with a view for completed tasks. When filtering, you can also select a date range for the selected tasks.
To complete a task, you can hover over the specific task you would like to complete. The task will become highlighted and complete, view, and dismiss buttons should display. To read more about completing a task, click here. To read more about dismissing a task, click here.
On the right side of the tasks page, an agenda view of your schedule for the day should display. Here, you can view the details for all scheduled events for your day.
You can also click into a blank spot in the schedule to schedule a new event on the fly.
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